Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ummm...Uhhh...Uggg... The Debate

Okay...the first debate is in the books. This is what I learned from it:

Barack Obama "just doesn't get it" and John McCain is "absolutely right". These were the phrases most uttered by each respective candidate. I lost track how many times Osama-bama said that McCain was absolutely right...sounds like an endorsement to me. What was Barack Hussein Obama trying to accomplish by saying that phrase so many times? I couldn't figure out if he was trying to look agreeable or if that was the only thing that he could think of to keep from saying, "Ummm...Uhhh...Uggg..." before each answer.

It was quite obvious that McCain sounded and looked more presidential. As I listened to the FOX team discuss the debate afterward, I was tempted to hear what CNN was saying. So, against my better judgement, I turned to see. There, sitting around Wolf Blitzer, was Clinton's former cabinet...Donna Brazil, Paul Begala, Anderson Cooper, and some other schmuck who's name I can't remember. At first I thought that they were talking about another debate which took place in a parallel universe. Then I remembered that they were liberals putting their slickly fabricated spin on the event. So, while I thought that McCain saying that Obama "just doesn't get it" was a reiteration that Obama is inexperienced and out of touch with the American people and Obama's continous agreement with McCain being "absolutely right" was a poor choice of words for Obama...the CNN talking heads spun it into, McCain being a condesending old man and Obama showing that he can work with politicians across the isle...WHAT? At that point blood started shooting out of my eyeballs and my head exploded...I quickly turned back to FOX.

Anyway, I thought the debate went rather well and to any rational human being, it showcased who the candidates are. I am looking forward to the VP debate on Thursday.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Great Book- The Ezekiel Option

I'm reading this really good book called, "The Ezekiel Option", written by Joel C. Rosenberg. It's the third book in the series. The first two books were "The Last Jihad" and "The Last Days". They are ficticious books but are based on bible prophesy, centered on events that are happening in the world today. I don't want to give away too much that happened in the first two books, but at the point the third book starts, the US has gone in and ousted Saddam (by the way, the first book in which it happens was written before 9/11), a peace agreement is made with Israel and Palestine, and focus is now on Iran. The Ezekiel Option is based upon Ezekiel chapter 38 & 39 where it talks about Gog and Magog and the armies coming from the north to destroy Israel. There is a revolution in Russia and a man named "Gogolov", code named "Gog" takes over. He has plans to gain the favor of Europe (which is rather easily done), carve his way through the middle east taking control of the oil, and turn world opinion against Israel.

I'm a little over halfway through the book, which is getting better every page turn and I can't wait to see how it all ends I'm off to read the next chapter! Have a good week everyone.