Sunday, August 31, 2008

Help! Football...

Okay, I know just about everything when it comes to baseball...but, I'm joining Todd's Fantasy Football League and I don't know anything about who's good in football. I went on some football sites today and tried to figure out who to pick and I still plan on picking up a football guide at B&N. The problem is, there are so many positions. Baseball has basically 9 to deal with (not including relief and middle relief pitchers, but they are still pitchers nevertheless). Football has, what 25?

SO...Steve, Matt, Todd...if you get a chance, help me out here. I will probably be calling you sometime this week to ask questions.

It sounds like fun anyway Todd, I'm looking forward to getting into football this year!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I watched Hillary Clinton's speech last night and it reminded me of Barbara from Topeka who brought her mixed race, transgendered, quadriplegic siamese twins to me and said...

Okay, okay Hillary, we get it, you KNOW people! About mid speech I began to wish that I hadn't just eaten dinner because I was starting to feel queasy. By the end of the speech, I was glad that I had eaten dinner because I lost my appetite. I don't know why I tortured myself by watching, I guess it's the same reason why so many people are intrigued by freeway chases...your kinda hoping that something happens, you can't stop watching because you're afraid that as soon as you turn the channel, something will happen, and in the end...nothing happens.

The speech was bland and full of rhetoric, just what one would expect. Oh well, had to watch. Oh and to follow that up, I watched Bill's speech comment.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Favorite Songs

I've been loading a bunch of my songs onto my MP3 player (about 990 songs...I guess I should have gotten the 8 gb instead of the 4). I only have 260 of them designated as my "Favorites" though. It got me thinking...if I had to pick my top 10 songs (pop songs/radio type songs...not church songs or classical because that's a whole other story), what would they be? So here's mine...what's yours?

1. New Moon on Monday- Duran Duran
2. It's My Life- Talk Talk
3. Read My Mind- The Killers
4. Blue Savannah- Erasure
5. Ruby- The Kaiser Chiefs
6. Kyrie- Mister Mister
7. Valerie- Steve Winwood
8. Ghost in You- Psychadelic Furs
9. Come Together- The Beatles
10. Roll With Me- Montgomery Gentry

Sunday, August 3, 2008

First Official Post

I'm going to try and write something each Sunday...of course some weeks will be more interesting than others....unfortunately, this was not one of them.

I do want to say Happy Birthday to Laura (1st), Matt (2nd) , and Catherine (on the 5th).

Also, I will be posting a POLL every check in and register your opinion/thoughts. I will also be posing some thought provoking questions. I'd like to hear your thoughts.

The question for this week is:

If you were the President of the United States and could only get one thing accomplished, what would it be?

Can't wait to hear your ideas...HAVE A GOOD WEEK!